Hi, My name is Juli Johnson

I'm a board certified traditional naturopath. 

I began my journey back to health in 2000 after many serendipitous events. I lost my job in the allopathic medical world due to downsizing and found myself questioning what true healing meant.

After several years of my own health decline I began exploring other possibilities. What I discovered has been life changing....in a GOOD way!

My goal is to educate and guide you along your path to healing by sharing with you what I've learned.

Our bodies want to be healthy and balanced. It's what our bodies do naturally if we let them. It's up to us to provide ourselves with the proper "ingredients" to achieve health and balance.

Some of those ingredients include healing foods, clean air, restorative rest, stress reduction, our unique mineral needs and a strong capability for digestion.

I hope you'll join me and thousands of others who have decided to reclaim their health using a natural, balanced approach.